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Our Technology

We are committed to providing our patients with the best care possible. A crucial part of our commitment is utilizing state-of-the-art technology to enhance the patient experience and improve treatment outcomes. One such advancement is the iTero intraoral scanner, a tool that has transformed how we approach dental care.

A dentist sitting in front of a 3D imaging computer.

Revolutionizing the Patient Experience

Gone are the days of uncomfortable, messy dental impressions. The iTero scanner replaces traditional impression methods with a quick, precise, and comfortable digital scanning process. Patients no longer need to endure the discomfort of holding impression material in their mouths, which often triggers gag reflexes and anxiety. Instead, the iTero scanner uses a small, handheld wand to capture detailed 3D images of the teeth and gums. This non-invasive procedure takes only a few minutes and significantly enhances patient comfort.

Patients can also see the digital images on a screen in real time. This immediate visualization helps patients understand their oral health better and engage more actively in their treatment plans. The ability to see a clear, accurate 3D model of their teeth allows patients to grasp the intricacies of their dental issues and the proposed treatments, fostering a more collaborative and informed approach to dental care.

A dentist working on a 3D imaging computer.

Benefits of the iTero Intraoral Scanner

The iTero intraoral scanner offers numerous benefits, making it an invaluable asset to both patients and dental practitioners. Here are some key advantages:

Accuracy and Precision: The iTero scanner captures highly accurate and detailed 3D images of the teeth and gums. This precision is crucial for creating custom dental appliances, such as crowns, bridges, and aligners, ensuring a perfect fit and optimal results.

Efficiency and Speed: Traditional dental impressions can be time-consuming and may require multiple attempts. The iTero scanner streamlines this process, providing immediate, accurate digital impressions. This efficiency reduces appointment times and speeds up the overall treatment process.

Enhanced Communication: The digital images produced by the iTero scanner can be easily shared with other dental specialists, labs, and insurance companies. This seamless communication ensures that all parties have access to the same high-quality information, facilitating better coordination and faster decision-making.

Predictive Outcomes:
The iTero scanner's advanced technology allows for predictive modeling, helping patients and dentists visualize potential treatment outcomes. This capability is particularly beneficial for orthodontic treatments, as patients can see a simulation of their teeth's alignment progress and the final expected results.

Patient Records:
Digital impressions are stored electronically, making it easy to access and compare historical data. This capability is essential for tracking the progress of ongoing treatments and making informed decisions based on comprehensive patient records.

A dentist pointing at an image on a 3D imaging computer.

The iTero intraoral scanner is a game-changer in the field of dentistry. It revolutionizes the patient experience by offering a comfortable, efficient, and precise alternative to traditional dental impressions. If you're looking for a dentist in Poway, schedule an appointment and see how our digital technology is reshaping the way patients experience their dental visit.

Schedule a Checkup and Cleaning

Do your future smile a favor — call McKinney Family Dentistry to schedule a checkup and cleaning in Poway today!